RIA for the new Building Act (2018 - 2020)
01.09.2020 In 2018 - 2020, EEIP has prepared the Regulatory Impact Assessment evaluating impacts of the new Building Act.
Prague Congress Centre (KCP)
01.09.2020 At the turn of 2019 and 2020, EEIP in cooperation with di5 architects, engineers s.r.o. elaborated a study verifying the economic and project-technical solution for the construction of a new exhibition hall of the Prague Congress Center (KCP).
RIA for the Act on the transition of the Czech Republic to a low-carbon energetics (2020)
01.09.2020 In 2020, EEIP prepared a Regulatory Impact Assessment (RIA) for the Ministry of Industry and Trade assessing the measures of transition of the Czech Republic to low-carbon energetics.
About EEIP a.s.
Joint stock company EEIP a.s. is one of the most important Czech firms active in the field of consulting services for mergers and acquisitions, restructuring and corporate finance. Furthermore it specializes on delivering financial/economic analyses and regulatory impact assessment (RIA).